Want to learn more about the Town of Gilbert? Look no further! The Town of Gilbert has one of the most robust YouTube channels of any municipality of 200k+ residents. Keep yourself up to date with videos of the Manager's Update, Town Council Meetings, Planning Commission Meetings, and much more. I specialize in placing families into this great community. Please read over the "Demographics & Income" information listed below and give me a call @ 480-466-6331 or email me @ so I can tell you more about the town I call home.
Demographics & Income
With attractive demographics, award-winning amenities, strategically identified business incentives and high-profile developments, Gilbert offers immediate, attainable economic opportunity for industry-leading companies.
Gilbert’s current population of 247,542 doubled every five years from 1980-2000. By 2030, Gilbert is expected to be fully built out, with an anticipated population of over 300,000. While Gilbert is growing to be one of the largest municipalities in Arizona, the community remains youthful and vibrant. With a median age of 32.7 and 77 percent of the population under the age of 45, Gilbert provides an abundant pipeline of workers to support the growth of business and industry.
72.6% of Gilbert’s psychographic make-up consists of "Up and Coming Families", "Boomburgs" and "Soccer moms". The "Up and Coming Families" segment is characterized by an average age of 30.7 and a median household income of $64,000. The "Boomburbs" segment is characterized by a median age of 33.6 and a median household income of $105,000. The "Soccer Moms" segment is characterized by a median age of 36.6 and a median household income of $84,000.
*Source: Town of Gilbert website - About Us - Demographics section
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