Is Your Home Vacant? Now Is The Time to Sell

I have a home under contract right now that has been vacant 3.5 years waiting on the economy to recover enough so they can sell the house.  Stop waiting.  Now is the Time to Sell Your House.  Contact a Listing Specialist today at (602)748-6136.  We are a full service real estate company and know the market inside and out.  Now is the Time to Sell Your House.

The Economy Has Recovered.  Now is the Time to Sell Your House!  No need to keep waiting unless you are DEEP underwater still and are able to afford to wait. If you can't afford to keep your house any longer, we can help.  Banks are still performing Short Sales and the Debt Forgiveness Act has been extended through 2013.

Are you tired of sitting on unused property?  Now is the time to Sell.  Prices have risen 20+% in Maricopa County and up to 35% in certain neighborhoods.  Houses are not as underwater as they once were.  Banks have loosened up their funds and are lending again!  Buyers are still in the market in full force searching for properties and having to compete with each offer.

Now is the Time to Sell Your House.  There is a shortage of properties on the market which in turn is driving prices upwards and creating a stir with each new property on the market.  Properties are not lasting 2 weeks on the market in certain price ranges and others are gone in less than 1 month.  Properties are selling quickly, Now is the Time To Sell Your House you have been sitting on.

Contact Chelsea Elwood, listing specialist at (602)748-6136  for your free equity consultation today and learn how much money you stand to make with the sale of your home.  Now is the Time to Sell Your House.

We have helped homeowners Sell Their House in Surprise, Sell Their House in Mesa, Sell Their House in Cave Creek, Sell Their House in Chandler, Sell Their House in Phoenix.  Want us to help you Sell Your House?  Now is the Time to Sell Your House.
