Words of Thanks

Words of Thanks

Although it only consists of two words  the phrase "thank you" can have a huge impact on those to whom it is said. It can be used in a variety of circumstances; you can say it to the stranger who holds the door open for you or to the waiter at your favorite restaurant for the great service. Many of us find it easier to thank total strangers than to thank the people in our lives who mean the most to us. 

It can be difficult to express gratitude in words. Here are some phrases to get you started:

  • "I appreciate you/your work"
  • "You made my day"
  • You make my life/job/day so much easier"
  • You're a great role model/example for others"
  • "I'm grateful for all that you do"
Expressing gratitude encourages others and also contributes to your long-term personal happiness.

10 Ways to Say "Thank You" to the People You're Grateful for:
  1. Write a note.  Whether it's a personal note sent by mail or a sticky note posted where they're sure to see it.
  2. Tell them.  It sounds simple, but the best way to express thanks is to say it.
  3. Surprise them with their favorite snack, baked treat, beverage or flowers.
  4. Take them out for a meal, or if you're a great cook, make a meal for them.
  5. Buy them a book that pertains to their interests.
  6. Reciprocate.  Help a neighbor clean his walkway.
  7. Give them a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant or store.
  8. Make it public. Write a good review online and praise the person or business whenever you can.
  9. Make time for those you care about, and unplug from technology when you're with them.  Be present when with those who are most important to you; they may not always be around.
  10. Pay it forward, and do something thoughtful for someone else.

This little blurb to help you think is from First Arizona Title Agency whom I am grateful for their marketing inspiration and help.  You girls are wonderful!

I am also grateful for the recent shift in the real estate market which is helping my business to take off.  Home prices are rising and owners are gaining confidence!  This is a great time to sell your home! Contact a real estate professional today at 602-748-6136 to get your home sold.

Happy Thanksgiving!
